As per usual, I had another great time here at Igloo Lake Lodge filming another episode of the Newfoundland Sportsman Show! I’ve actually lost count but think this was somewhere between 12 – 15 times I have visited this special place!
We caught some dandy brookies – some over 8 pounds!
Got to spend some time fishing with the lodge’s new owner Stephen Gillingham whos a great guy! Enjoyed every minuteof our time together fishing and a few socialables later!
Congratulations Steve & Craig on your aquistion from a couple of outfitting legends, Jim & Vince Burton, I’m sure you’ll do them proud.
Also got to celebrate with Kevin Geroux & Dawn Curtis who became engaged at the Lodge!
This Lodge always has a family atmosphere and adds another wonderful dimension to the outfitting business.
Roseann’s cooking is to die for, gained about 10 pounds I think!
It was indeed a pleasure being here with Stephen Gillingham, Jim, Dera, Amy & Vince Burton as well as many other guests, guides & other staff, many of whom been here for years!
Another fabulous trip in the books!
Thanks you to all & a special thank you to my buddy Matt Romkey who also fished with me and helped me film the trip!